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Legal warning

In compliance with the Law 34/2002, of 11 of July, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the identification data of the owner of the Web Portal son:

BUROTEC Technical Consulting, S.L.

Avda. Cardinal Herrera Oria 326-A. 28035 Madrid

CIF: B-78964194

Registration data in the Mercantile Registry: Tomo 9370, Folio 209, Sheet M-150660, 1st registration.

For any questions or queries, You can contact us via Tel: 91.376.89.50 Fax: 91.373.01.52 e-mail:

Access to this website implies the express acceptance of the User to these General Conditions of Use, that may be modified or replaced by their owner at any time and without prior notice.

1.- General Conditions of Use.

The following General Conditions regulate the use and access to the web portal, whose purpose is to be the gateway to BUROTEC Technical Consulting, S.L. (hereinafter BUROTEC), both internally and externally, offering users information, services and content via web. Thus, Certain content and services are only accessible after User registration and subject to specific conditions of use..

BUROTEC will adopt all the measures at its disposal to prevent any type of conduct contrary to Spanish Laws and cooperate with the competent Authorities in the identification of the subjects responsible for the actions that may imply violations of the laws applicable to this website..

2.- Intellectual property.

The content, documentation, images, graphics and design that make up this website are the property of BUROTEC, and are duly protected in accordance with Spanish regulations and admission to Intellectual and Industrial Property.

The User undertakes to use the contents diligently and correctly., according to law, morality and public order. BUROTEC authorizes the User to view the information contained in this Portal, as well as to make private reproductions (simple download and storage activity on your computer systems), as long as the items are intended for personal use only.

The User is not authorized to proceed with the distribution, modification, Assignment or public communication of the information contained in this website in any form and whatever its purpose..

In this sense, BUROTEC reserves the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions in defense of its rights..

3.- links.

The connections and links to third-party websites or web pages have been established solely as a utility for the User.. BUROTEC is not, in no case, responsible for them or their content.

To link to the page The express and written authorization of the owners of the portal will be necessary.

4.- Data Protection. Privacy Policy.

BUROTEC Technical Consulting, S.L., hereinafter BUROTEC, in compliance with the provisions of the LO 15/1999, of 13 from December, Protection of Personal Data, and its development regulations, informs users of the website, that all personal data collected in the same, will be stored in a personal data file owned by you, and that it is duly registered in the General Registry of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

The collection and storage of personal data of users is carried out in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on the Protection of Personal Data, being used exclusively for the established purposes: respond to user requests for information, monitoring of contractual or commercial relations of BUROTEC with its clients or potential clients, manage the enrollment of students in the courses offered by BUROTEC, as well as for the sending of informative and commercial communications on the activities of BUROTEC, not being transferred to third-party companies or entities.

BUROTEC has implemented all the security measures required by the RD. 994/1999, in order to guarantee absolute confidentiality in the storage and processing of personal data, as well as prevent access by unauthorized third parties.

The user may exercise their access rights at any time and free of charge., rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of your personal data by sending an email to the person responsible for the file with the subject "Processing of Personal Data" to, or by sending a letter to the following address:

BUROTEC Technical Consulting, S.L.

Of. Cardinal Herrera Oria 326-A.

28035 Madrid

5.- Responsibility.

BUROTEC is not responsible for damages caused to Users' computer systems for reasons beyond their control., nor those that are produced by the existence of computer viruses on the Internet.

BUROTEC is not responsible for the contents sent by third parties when they violate or infringe the current legal provisions on Intellectual Property..

6.- Jurisdiction.

In case of controversy or conflict that may arise from the interpretation or compliance with this Legal Notice, they will be resolved before the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid Capital.

© BUROTEC 2016. All rights reserved.